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Omeka Feed

  • What's the 411?
    Could the Omeka Team be Mary J. Blige fans? In fact, we are. And we are pleased to bring you news of a set of Omeka S goodness that dare we say rivals that 1992 landmark release…. well, if you like modules. First, we have issued v.4.1.1 a bug release for the core software, the changes which are detailed in the release notes. That release, though minor, made it possible for us to release a passel of new and updated modules. The first new, and long awaited, module is Copy Resources. This module allows an Omeka S user to duplicate items, item sets, sites and site pages. This functionality is great for setting out specifications for other users to follow in creating resources, or for cutting dow …
  • Newsletter: April 2024
    Message from the Director Dear Members of the Omeka Community, The Omeka Team is eagerly welcoming Spring – baseball, and sunshine, and supporting students and teachers as they finish up their end of the semester projects! As always, we’ve been focused on enriching user experience, expanding our capabilities, and forging new partnerships. One outcome of those efforts was the momentous Omeka S 4.1 release. If you’ve not yet checked out the new version, it’s well worth your time especially if you’re looking to build out more complex page layouts. Also, the Freedom theme has come to both Omeka Classic and, and we’re approaching the release of yet another new theme in the next couple o …
  • Welcome Omeka S v.4.1!
    The arrival of spring yields new growth in so many arenas. Today in Omeka-land, spring yields the release of Omeka S 4.1, a landmark new version of the software that offers site builders and theme writers many, many new tools to make beautiful page layouts and designs. This release is the follow up to a release candidate that the Omeka Team offered in December 2023. Based on feedback on that candidate, the team worked through the first quarter of the year to further improve the new site page authoring features. Now, users have the power to not only use a grid layout system with page blocks, but also to group those blocks for design and configuration purposes. Each page block now offers a sta …
  • Newsletter: 2023 Year in Review
    Message from the Director Happy New Year! We were grateful for an eventful 2023, which included celebrating Omeka’s 15th anniversary. Over the course of those fifteen years, the Omeka Team has grown to include ten regular staff members who work hard to design and develop open source software that makes it possible for users to describe, publish, and activate their cultural heritage materials in flexible and accessible ways. Their efforts have resulted in two open-source web publishing platforms, one software as a service platform, seventy-five modules and plugins, and twenty themes–not to mention the countless addons designed and developed by the Omeka community of users. None of the team’s …
  • End the Year with an Omeka S Release Candidate!
    Welcome to the last gasp of 2023! The Omeka Team has been hard at work to offer users, designers, and developers a little surprise before December slips away. Today we’ve packaged and released the Omeka S 4.1 release candidate for your review and comment before the final release early in 2024. (Install this version in a development site, not one that is live for production.) Over the past year, the whole Omeka Team has been focused on making significant improvements to the page authoring experience for site builders and theme designers. The current method of page building by stacking of individual blocks in a page, which we’ve come to call “Normal flow”, will continue to be available for use …

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