Metro is offering three classes on Omeka this Thursday.
Introduction to Omeka
Thurs, July 12 | 10:00am-12:00pm | $35 METRO & myMETRO; $40 Non-Members
This will be an overall introduction to using Omeka to publish your cultural heritage objects on the web. We’ll cover the basics of how web publishing systems work, and where Omeka fits in that ecosystem, as well as how to add content, files, and metadata to an Omeka site.
Learn more & register at
Introduction to Theming with Omeka
Thurs, July 12 | 1:00-2:30pm | $20 METRO & myMETRO; $30 Non-Members
We will look at the overall structure of Omeka themes, from the default templates to the best practices for developing your own themes for Omeka. This will be very hands-on, with activities to show how to override default templates, customize CSS and PHP, and write completely new template pages. Some experience with PHP and/or designing themes will be helpful, but not necessary.
Learn more & register at
Introduction to Omeka Plugins
Thurs, July 12 | 3:00-4:30pm | $20 METRO & myMETRO; $30 Non-Members
We’ll cover the basic Omeka plugin structure and common techniques for creating plugins to accomplish various kinds of tasks. This includes an introduction to the Model-View-Controller pattern, and how it is implemented in Omeka, as well as an introduction to Omeka’s hooks and filters systems. Some experience with PHP, especially Object-Oriented PHP will be helpful for this session.
Learn more & register at
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